Holly Angel – 28 Years Old With Severe Adverse Reactions to the Moderna COVID Vaccine
This is Holly’s story to her adverse reactions to the Moderna COVID Vaccine:
Moderna, shot number one back on the 12th of February. I was thrilled. I called everyone I knew because they were tossing out extras! I was proud to be vaccinated for my family and community. I am not anti-vax. I still want to believe and hope that this vaccine does some good for our world, but I slowly lose hope as I slowly lose my life and am left without answers and without any direction to recover.
I need help. Share my story.
After my first shot, I felt normal. I got in the car and said, “I have a weird metallic taste in my mouth. Like static or electric or blood?” This taste lasted a few hours and went away. I really wasn’t sore, I didn’t have a fever – I felt normal! I totally expected to have some sort of rough feeling, but I was okay. On February 20th, eight days later I woke up at my new boyfriends house with numbness, tingling, and a horribly embarrassing twitching in my face. I felt “funny”. I apologized for my facial twitches that I couldn’t control and they were pretty severe. The numbness crept into my hands and at the point I decided I needed to return home. On my drive home the numbness began moving down my legs and they started to feel heavy. I should have probably pulled over, but I pushed myself to focus to make it home. By the time I got home I could barely walk because I couldn’t feel my legs. Horrible cramping and spasms were in both of my legs and became painful. By that evening I could not walk, I was paralyzed from the waist down, hands numb, face twitching. I thought I was having a reaction to a medication I had been on for years that could numbness so I called my prescribing doctor – they didn’t think this was a reaction due to no changes in dosage or any other medications. The only new thing in my life was the recent vaccine so I mentioned this to my doctor thinking it had interacted with my medication, but again they were not on board with my ideas. The doctor recommended to monitor my symptoms and to go to the hospital if things worsened.
Overnight, my symptoms remained the same. I woke up on Sunday, February 21st, 2021 and I still could not walk, I could not feel my legs. My legs were still twitching and cramping. My face was still numb and tingling, but the twitching had stopped in the face. My hands had stopped tingling. At this point my mother who is a nurse suggested that I call Moderna, the vaccine provider, to report a possible side effect of the vaccine. Upon contacting Moderna, the company thought that it could possibly be a reaction between the Topamax medication and the vaccine, but they had no current information about these two having any interactions. They thanked me for reporting and told me to go to an emergency room if my symptoms continued or worsen.
Throughout the day on Sunday, February 21st, my symptoms remained. I was able to get to my feet, but I walking like a newborn baby giraffe or as my mother described, like a 105 year old woman. I was unable to feel my legs completely, lift them, move them without lifting them with physical help of my arms moving them. At this point on Sunday night I decided to contact my Primary Care Physician at UC Health. She noted that this sounded similar to Guillain-Barre and that I sound immediately go to an Emergency Department before the symptoms get any worse. It was late on a Sunday night and I was unable to drive myself, so I waited.
Overnight on Sunday into Monday I began experiencing light flashes in my eyes, heart races, lower back pain, and worsening cramping in my legs. I knew that I needed to seek treatment in an emergency room.
On Monday, February 22nd, 2021 I was taken to the University of Cincinnati Hospital’s Emergency Room Department. They conducted blood work and a physical examination, but did not want to proceed with any MRI’s or CAT scans. The ER the doctors were baffled. They could not figure out what was causing my paralysis other than the vaccine was the only new thing that had been introduced to my body, but they could not verify or diagnose anything. They let me go with a referral to neurology.
While we were sitting in the ER my cousin, a nurse anesthetist at another local hospital, called my mother who was with me with some very alarming news. Her co-worker, had experienced the same symptoms back in December and was just going through recovery after his first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. He was told by the CDC there had been 19 reported cases through the CDC where after the first dose of the vaccine people have reported numbness, tingling, and the lose of the ability to walk after receiving the first dose of the mRNA vaccine, both Moderna and Pfizer. Her co-worker was also in the same age range as myself, very healthy, young, active. He was officially diagnosed with Transverse Myletis. He has taken a full two months to regain the ability to walk and still has numb patches on his legs. He walks very slowly, but is walking. He returned to work, but cannot return to his normal life working out and being active because he does not have the strength. He was told not to get the second dose of the vaccine.
There are unreported cases in this area by physicians who do not know where to turn with this information. It is hard to link these symptoms and cases because they are so obscure, but these same symptoms are occurring with those who have also had COVID-19. When I was being seen for an EMG test of my legs the physician performing the test said to us, “I have a patient who received the vaccine and has the symptoms, maybe I should report it!”. My Grandmother’s physician at that time sent a patient of hers with the same symptoms to neurology. I think this uncommon side effect is more common than is being reported and no one knows where to turn with the information.
I finally got into the head of Neurology at UC. I was told, “it’ll probably get better”, basically saying that they don’t know what they can do and they are at a loss for knowing what this is and why this is happening to people after the first dose of the mRNA vaccine. Doctors don’t have answers and the vaccine companies aren’t offering information to help link these side effects together. The physician told me not to proceed with the second dose of the vaccine due to neurological side effect that I have had. I should benefit from the first dose and it is not safe for me to get the second dose from this side effect.
I was unable to walk for weeks since the reaction began on Feb. 20th. I wasn’t been able to drive or live my normal life. I couldn’t use stairs, walk long distances, stand for very long periods of time. I was twenty-eight years old and I walked like an eighty year old woman, wobbly.
I recovered from the paralysis just as the doctors said after two months of wobbling around. I regained my strength with all of my will and determination. Unknown reasons for my paralysis that are still left a mystery today and have no cause, other than possible vaccine reaction. The only symptom from that specific incident that remained was facial twitching, it never went away.
I thought facial twitching was my only lasting effect. First, all of my other symptoms didn’t seem related. Nose bleeds, easy bruising, itching, cuts that never healed, hair loss, shortness of breath, extremely foamy and smelly urine, fatigue, and weight loss. I looked into the mirror in July of this year and said, “I think I am dying.” I thought this several times to myself as my nose bled and felt “off”. I caught staph infection on my face and on my body from a simple cut, I was covered in bruising from people just holding my arms. I felt sick, but being the strong woman I am, I pushed on and smiled through it – thinking this would pass. I had been diagnosed with Lupus over ten years ago and it went basically into remission with my determination and dietary habits. I had felt fine. I thought what I was experiencing at that moment was maybe a new Lupus flare up so I called my doctor to check out my really strange situation, expecting that after this many years it was just time for Lupus to come back again. She tested me for a handful of things, my proteinuria and creatine levels were rising. Most everything else was normal in July so she referred me to Nephrology and Rheumatology. I couldn’t get in to either specialist until November. I waited, but demanding a sooner appointment fearing something was going on – they didn’t have any openings. My body felt worse the longer time went on. Flank pain, weakness, extreme weight loss just to name a few symptoms. I went from a size 6 to a size 00.
This brings us to current times. I am very sick. My proteinuria and creatine levels are extraordinarily high. My Kappa levels are elevated. I had an emergency kidney biopsy that shows damages related to kidney disease, but not related to Lupus and not related to any other disease because none of the other tests thus far align with a cause. The damage to my Kidneys aren’t going to require transplant currently or something that cannot be managed, but if the damage doesn’t stop I will continue to ruin my kidneys with 3000mg of protein running through them with the changes happening inside of them as it is. Yes, extraordinarily high levels with no known cause and various other random tests that are off. Many of my test results show a number of varied abnormalities that have stunned and baffled the doctors. Again, they are at almost a loss for a reason for why I’m sick, why I’m malnourished, why I’m nearly dead and I feel absolutely miserable. Now, when I eat I am in pain, I am sick, my kidneys burn. I have been eating a very curated kidney disease friendly diet from the most organic, plant based items. It helps some, but my body still finds many of the items upsetting and painful. The doctors have ordered a Rare Disease Genetics Disorders Test because again I have been tested for almost every known disease – we are having to test for the rarest to link all of my abnormal test results together to find relief and answers.
The only thing that has changed in my entire life is the Moderna vaccine. I was healthy, happy, normal prior to February and have been in a rapid, yet slow decline since that day. After hearing Kyle Warner, a famous healthy mountain biker, speak about his experience with the vaccine injury and listening to the three hour testimonies at Congress I can only help but believe that all that I am experiencing is a vaccine reaction. His first symptom was a metallic taste in his mouth. This is where I began.
We need answers. We need support. I do not want to feel like this anymore. I want my life back. I want to feel better and I don’t want to fear rare diseases and dying. I have had to worry about incurable diseases like Myeloma, Renal Failure, and now I’m going to the rare diseases. Some of these things aren’t off the table and I am still going through testing to truly rule out these terrifying life threatening diseases. The effects of the things that are happening are causing permanent damages to my body. I may have recovered from the paralysis, but I have facial twitching and I cannot reverse renal damage. I want this to end before it ends me. We need help. I am not alone.
This is my story.
I now believe I was injured by Moderna.
I am not anti-vaccine, but pro-support for those who need answers.
Everything has side effects, even cheese – we need to know the risks and how to react when they happen.
I deserve to be okay, we all do.