Cienna Knowles – 19 Years Old With Severe Adverse Reactions to Pfizer COVID Vaccine

This is Cienna’s story:

I don’t even know where to begin. On Thursday October 21st at 10am I had my 2nd Pfizer shot.

That night I woke up so sick- vomiting, fever, wet in sweat, heart palpitations, headache, sore muscles & joints like hell, blurry vision. I was in so much pain at this point crying I knew something was seriously wrong I’m the first person to dust it off and never cry.

The next morning I went to the doctors who then sent me to the emergency hospital. I have been in the respiratory ward with clots all through my legs, stomach and through both lungs. The amount of clots on my lungs is equivalent to having broken ribs so a little painful & hard to breathe. As part of my treatment for my recovery I am now medicated & never have been in my life as a result of these I have internal bleeding & nose bleeds as one of the side effects of my medications along with a line of other things I choose to keep private. I had no medical issues, underlying conditions, not medicated for anything. Completely healthy. Never been sick.

Crazy to think to the left pick I was turfing with my family riding horses and the next pick is me just after my vaccination. I now have numerous doctors & specialists for a minimum of 6-12 months this is my new normal. I have also been informed to not ride my horses, my motorbikes, & train- everything I am. Drive my car and go to work. I never wanted this jab & held off for as long as I could. I got it to keep my job. If you know me personally you know how hesitant & scared I was of getting it.

Thank you everyone for the love & support. ❤️ Cienna

The past few months have been the most challenging times I’ve ever had. Within 24 hours being hospitalised and my life turned completely upside down.

When I was rushed in I was scared, but the worst part was when they told me to go say goodbye to my family. I thought that was it.

When the Dr in my ward told me that my condition was life- I’d never ride horses, motorbikes, exercise or have anything I loved back. With a long line of other things… I asked my parents to leave my room and looked out the window and thought to myself why am I still here, if this is my life I don’t want it.

My next month at home was emotional & frustrating. Trying to adjust to my new life was and still is challenging.
I’m mentally so much stronger after seeing my trauma psychologist and learning about what was happening.

As painful and challenging as it can be I refuse to sit in my bedroom all day long and let this beat me… I’m on a minimum 6 month road of recovery with 3/5 main arteries from my heart to my lungs completely blocked & fully medicated. I won’t be well or ‘normal’ for a long time but that’s okay. I will be 100% again, I’m so grateful my specialist said I will make a full recovery and I won’t stop until I am. Tough times make you stronger and I promise to come out of this a better human being in every way I possibly can be.

Thank you all for the love & support❤️❤️

I fell super unwell after Christmas Day. My health took a major decline & I ended up in hospital again. At this point in time I didn’t want to go I didn’t think I would come back knowing I only had 2 arteries open from my heart to my lungs keeping me here. The pain felt as though I was forming more clots and it was hard to breathe I also had an irregular heart beat that was racing. I did throw a tantrum to get me back into hospital. Once I was in there X-rays, blood tests, iodine scans all over again… not a single tear I’ve really learnt to just accept it will be what it will be. My blood came back in the red zone. Then the remarkable miracle happened!!! Two out of three of my blood clots have completely dissolved leaving me with only one fully blocked artery! I’m over the moon with the outcome & the Drs and nurses couldn’t believe how quickly my body got rid of the two (the estimated time was 6-12 months). On the other side… I caught COVID-19 on Christmas Day. I’m now almost out of iso and feel amazing! Only upwards from here, hoping my body will be pretty unstoppable now!!

Thank you all for your beautiful messages💖💖 and my amazing boyfriend for always being by my side and never leaving me no matter what @will_bisho

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