Nada – 22 Years Old With Auto Immune Encephalitis After AstraZeneca Booster

This is Nada’s story:

This is my Nanny Nada, she’s 22. It has been 5 days and she’s still unconscious.

She was tested for bacterial infections, fungal infections, parasites, tumors.

She succumbed to this state 10 days after her AstraZeneca booster. Is there a link?? I don’t know. But to completely deny the possibility would be silly even when it is clearly stated on the NHS website that severe headache is a medical emergency between 4 days to 4 weeks of the vaccine.

Time is of the essence to her recovery. Two hospitals, and 5 doctors later… she was finally diagnosed with Auto Immune Encephalitis.

Summary of Nada’s Timeline:

“On the 3rd of February I had the vaccine had a headache and had a high fever until 40deg for three days..

The headache was on and off..

On the 11th of February, the fever and headache came back down again..

The Antigen swab was negative…until the 12th of feb afternoon the fever was high again and her head hurt so bad that she was taken to the emergency room..

On the 13th it got worse and she wasn’t conscious, at night she started to become psychotic/delirious (like the resemblance).. Fertile went to RSPON.. put a feeding tube from her nose…

On the 16th of February I’m starting to wake up a bit late at night but I don’t know who it is…

On February 18th, a diagnosis of Autoimmune Encephalitis was made.”

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